Tag Archive | Meat Jason

About Us | The Minds Behind The Meatloaf

Who are the men (and women) who make Meat Log Blog possible? We’re pleased to meat you.

Meat Jason…

The concept-man powering the operation, Jason was building castles—and the dragons to knock the mother-effers DOWN—out of turkey loaf long before Meat Log Blog launched. Despite relationship strain, despite fullness-inducing hormones, and despite better judgement, Jason continues to loaf on.
Meat Brett…

Brett’s an architect at a soon-to-be-defunct firm so he pours his frustrations and creative into his work for Meat Log Blog, ensuring that foundations are sound, structural additions are in alignment, and everything is up to code.

Meat Paul…

Paul acts as the team’s technician, adjusting recipes according to yield and deliciousness. He only has eyes for Sriracha.

Meat Meghan…

Meghan is the only female these people know who isn’t disgusted by this project. Or, she wasn’t, until she consumed part of the Meat Volcano. She also wishes her chive hair hadn’t dried out so much in the oven. Meghan is far more attractive in real life. We know, that is difficult to believe.

Meat Matt…

Matt spends his non-meat log hours biking and drinking good beer. When those fail him, he stuffs the gaps in his life with a mix of 80/20 ground beef, breadcrumbs, and eggs.